I loved this post, you have an incredibly unique and cutting perspective that makes even reading reviews of somewhat banal movies fascinating

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Apr 9Liked by Rajeev Ram

The simple reason that majority of Muslims are happy about the construction of the Ayodhya Temple is that they really did not have any good reason to oppose it. Mosques are not sacred places for Muslims the way temples are for Hindus. The place itself or the building holds no real significance. It is just a place for the community to come together to pray. While the particular temple in question was truly one of the most significant ones for Hindus, where people from across the country travelled to the place just to stand outside the mosque and say a prayer. The majority of Muslims realized all this but they were simply being railroaded and used as a pawn to make the temple a political issue when the court case was still ongoing. Now there is nothing to gain from it for the political vultures and so they have moved on to other things.

And yes, for those that don’t know, the mosque that was burned down in the 90s was built on top of a thousands of years old Hindu temple, specifically to humiliate the “idol worshipping” Hindus. After 500 years of failing to reclaim the temple under foreign rule, we Hindus then spent more than 50 years arguing about the rights and wrongs of it in a court battle. The riots and burning that happened in the 90s was a political stunt that actually ended up hurting the court case.

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